Fire extinguishing device for photovoltaic installations

The main factors leading to fires of photovoltaic installations are:

installation errors and inappropriately selected system components, especially insufficient thickness of cables and incompatible cable connectors;
improper location of cables and insufficient distance between roofs and installations;

bad quality of installation components;

hotspots, i.e. overheating cells of photovoltaic modules (in extreme cases a hotspot can reach a temperature of a few hundred degrees Celsius);
faulty fastening of inverters to flammable materials;
rodents, bird nests.
When a fire of a photovoltaic installation, even if its inverter or fire-protective circuit breaker cuts the AC power off, it must be kept in mind that both the installation located on the roof, as well as its wiring connected to the aforementioned devices still remain electrified. As long as photovoltaic modules have access to sunlight they constantly generate DC electricity, with a voltage reaching even a few hundred Volts, so they pose a risk to all the people involved in the fire extinguishing action.



SOLARSTOP® is an ecological and innovative fire extinguishing device designed for applications with photovoltaic installations, which suppresses fire by cooling and lowering the temperature of flammable materials. It is dielectric, so it is safe to fire fighters.


Apart from its outstanding fire extinguishing characteristics, SOLARSTOP® remains on the surfaces of photovoltaic installations forming a stable layer which blocks sunlight, thus successfully reduces the amount of generated electricity down to values which are safe for the people involved in extinguishing a fire.


The reach of SOLARSTOP® enables precise and effective targeting of the fire-extinguishing device in the direction of a fire source, its effective range makes it possible to operate the device from the ground level, without the need for approaching the flames. The device is compact, mobile and easy to use.


This product is certified by the National Institute of Public Health - the National Institute of Hygiene

Safe and effective

Its effectiveness is confirmed by
the Certificate of Conformity issued by CNBOP-PIB no.: 0037/2023

How does Solarstop® work?

Solarstop® generates stable fire extinguishing foam which effectively blocks access of sunlight to photovoltaic modules, as a result the modules stop generating DC electricity.

SOLARSTOP® enables extinguishing photovoltaic modules and equipment such as wiring, connectors, inverters, etc. remaining under a maximum voltage of 1000V, it is also effective for extinguishing A class fires.

An electric arc can occur during the use of PV panels.
It ensures the safe extinguishing of panel fires.
pożar instalacji fotowoltaicznej
This is the most common cause of installation fires.
The main advantage of the device is cutting off the voltage in PV panels during firefighting.
pożar paneli fotowoltaicznych
With this problem in mind, the Solarstop fire extinguishing device was developed.
As a result, the fire is extinguished effectively and safely.

Basic characteristics of our product

Outstanding fire extinguishing characteristics

Fire extinguishing effectiveness 13A acc. to PN-EN 3-7 confirmed by a Certificate of Conformity issued by CNBOP-PIB


Dielectric product, safe for any individuals involved in fire extinguishing actions

Does not damage installations

The product is easy to remove after completion of all the necessary fire extinguishing activities


This product isolates and cools adjacent photovoltaic modules by generating stable foam, which reduces their damage

Light and portable

Its light weight and dimensions provide for easy storage, transport and operation of the device.


Access of light to photovoltaic modules is blocked by forming a layer of this product on their surfaces, which results in discontinued generation of DC current.

Environment friendly

Ecological product, it is certified by the National Institute of Public Health - PZH


This product was developed as a result of several years’ research

SOLARSTOP® is an ecological fire extinguishing product which is safe to the environments and humans, it does not generate any toxic substances, it is safe for its users. The product can be easily removed from clothing soiled during the fire-extinguishing activities by washing. The product is certified by the National Institute of Public Health - the National Institute of Hygiene

After all the fire extinguishing activities are completed, SOLARSTOP® can be removed from the surfaces of a damaged installation with utilisation of water and a soft brush, which returns the installation to the state from before the fire extinguishing agent was applied.